Legislative Advocacy
Join us in our advocacy at the federal, state, and local level to collaboratively address legislative and regulatory challenges and opportunities.

At Our Core
As we RISE to face emerging challenges and advocate on behalf of the industry, we recognize that our success stems from the support of our members and allies. Advocacy remains the most powerful tool to advance our four overall strategic goals – Voice of Our Industry, Legislative Advocacy, Regulatory Advocacy, and Organizational Commitments.
Legislative Priorities
FY25 Appropriations for Pesticide Registration
Ensure EPA can efficiently and predictably regulate pesticides by appropriating a minimum of $166 million to the Office of Pesticide Programs.
Support the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) to meet required Endangered Species Act (ESA) obligations for pesticide licensing by allocating $3 million
Farm Bill Policies Important to the U.S. Pesticide Industry
Streamline pesticide regulations by reaffirming EPA as the primary federal authority over pesticides, enhancing interagency coordination on ESA, and supporting state pesticide preemption and the role of states as co-regulators of pesticides.
Passage of the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB)
Since its expiration in 2020, U.S. businesses and customers have paid the equivalent of $1.3 million per day in anti-competitive tariffs.
MTB would help our members save up to $89 million per year on pesticide production costs, which would keep prices down and more accessible for all users.
Our Resources

Grassroots Network
Empowering voices to shape policy and protect our industry through grassroots advocacy.
Access a wealth of information designed to educate and inform about the pesticide regulatory process and the safe use of pesticides and fertilizers.