Specialty Pesticides and Fertilizer Industry Segments

Our members are basic manufacturers, formulators, distributors, and others involved with specialty pesticides and fertilizers used by professionals and consumers. We serve an industry comprised of eight major segments:

Woman spraying mosquito repellent while sitting on the edge of a tent outdoors.Aquatics – Vegetation management professionals use pesticide products to keep weeds from choking lakes, rivers, and streams, and to protect human lives.

Consumer – Consumers use pesticide and fertilizer products to protect their homes and grow their gardens.

Forestry – Foresters use specialty pesticides to control undesirable vegetation and enhance tree growth, thus reducing the chance of wildfire and improving the quality of the forest.

Nursery and Greenhouse – Nursery and greenhouse growers use pesticides and fertilizers to protect and grow shrubs, trees and plants.

Public Health – Public health officials manage the professional application of products to control mosquitoes and ticks as well as other carriers or transmitters of infections, disease or human allergens.

Structural Pest Control – Pest management professionals use pesticides to control termites, fleas, carpenter ants, rodents and cockroaches to lessen threats to human health and risk of structural damage.

A goal post on a soccer field.Turf and Ornamental – Turf and landscape professionals use pest management products and fertilizers to promote healthy turfgrass and landscaping.

Vegetation Management – Vegetation management professionals use pesticides to control noxious weeds and brush along roads, railroads, waterways, and public utilities.

Learn more about membership and how to apply.