Advocacy Through Storytelling Emphasized at PestWorld RISE Breakfast

(Boston, Mass., Oct. 12, 2022)— RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment)® focused its final Industry Issues Update Breakfast of 2022 at PestWorld on the value of personal advocacy in the pest management space. RISE Chair, Karen Larson, started the program by encouraging attendees to advocate for the pest management industry.

“RISE’s work is important in showcasing the benefits pest management professionals provide. But we can’t do it alone. You are the experts in pest management, and you play a crucial role here–to show the human side of our industry. You have a great opportunity to advocate for your businesses and the benefits of pest management by engaging with lawmakers and telling your personal stories,” said Larson.  

Megan Provost, RISE President, furthered the advocacy push by talking about the value pest management professionals provide. 

“RISE’s 2022 wave of research shows that in pest management, public opinion is on our side. We found that 76 percent of respondents say that pesticides are necessary to protect them from problems, disease, and discomfort caused by bugs and weeds. Additionally, 58 percent of respondents have personally used or hired someone to use pesticide products in the past year. Homeowners see that your work is necessary. The next step is to show the benefits of what we do to lawmakers through compelling storytelling,” Provost said.  

To bring the storytelling piece to life, RISE brought two pest management professionals to speak about their personal experience with advocacy. Ted Brayton, Branch Manager at Griggs and Browne Pest in Massachusetts, and Jim Steed, President at Neighborly Pest Management in California, joined RISE leadership to share their real-world advocacy stories and provided guidance to attendees on how to start their advocacy journeys. 

“We’re counting on you all to be the voice of the industry. When you go back home after the conference, take the first step–set up a meeting or call with your local lawmaker and tell them your story!” Provost said.  

About RISE
RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment)® is the national trade association representing manufacturers, formulators, distributors and other industry leaders in the specialty pesticide and fertilizer industry. Visit the RISE website at for more information. Follow RISE on LinkedIn at  or on Twitter at @PestFacts.